
Our Troupes represent CDS at the highest level in many competitions and events. To be a part of a Troupe you must audition. Auditions are held annually in the first weekend of November. It really is a privilege to be chosen to be part of one of our Troupes, many students describe dancing as part of a team to be one of the most rewarding experiences they have on their dancing journeys.

“Don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle…”


Troupe information is available through the parent portal on Dance Studio Pro (DSP) for all students that are enrolled at CDS.

If its worth doing, understand the ‘why’

We are committed to nurturing a warm hearted environment and Troupes are a wonderful way of cultivating a sense of family, dancing not just for oneself but for one another. Our teams represent CDS, performing with passion and technical excellence, but ultimately they are the formation of life long friendships.

It is a privilege to be selected as a troupe member, this requires commitment and dedication from each student and their families.

All students that are training at CDS are welcome to audition.

Current Troupes

Troupes are auditioned every year, ages below are an approximate.

Stella Troupe 8-14yrs

Elite Troupe 13yrs+


Clarity & Crystal 13-18


Junior Aspire 10-12